I know that it has been forever since I have updated, but I will try not to make it too long of a post to catch you up! First of all, Matt made it home safe and sound the last week of July. It has been great to have him home and the kids are loving every minute of it. He took about a month off of work and we did a lot of stuff to include going to San Antonio and going to Sea World. It is the first theme park we have ever taken the kids to and it was very fun! We also spent time going to the pool, visiting with family, and just hanging out together.
Matt is back at work now and is just now getting back to the swing of things, which as usual has been a little crazy. He has started studying for the next rank in hopes of making tech sergeant the next time he tests in the spring as well as doing squadron sports and all the demands of his regular job. He has also been "volun-told" to be the squadron's equipment custodian which means that he has thousands of dollars of equipment to locate, organize, and inventory. This is something that he was hoping would be taken care of while he was away, but it was not.
Ryan has started the third grade and has found it to be a little more challenging than second. This is good for him, but I think he was so accustomed to being able to fly through his work that he doesn't really know what to do with himself now. He finished up a soccer season and summer filled with swimming, science camp, and spanish camp to begin a new school year and of course football season.
Colin has started kindergarten which he says he wants to quit already. He does well at school but is easily discouraged when he doesn't know an answer or is not able to do something on the first try. We have been working with him to build up his confidence and get him to try new things. He is starting another soccer season this fall which he chose to do instead of flag football.
I have started back at school where I am doing maternal and pediatric nursing. I have been looking forward to this semester and so far I have not been disappointed. in addtion to that I am working part time at the hospital as and aide and working at old chicago as a waitress still. In the middle of all of that I spend time with the kids and fit in some study time.
The house is pretty much done now, but I will have to wait to post pictures of that as I am sure you would all rather look at the kids! I will try harder to keep this updated...but you know me!