I am so tired today that I feel I could topple over at any given moment. Matt is on night shift for this week and although HE should be the exhausted one, I get very little sleep with him gone at night. The dumbest thing is, that I find myself staying up until all hours of the night to watch things that I would normally never give a second thought to. I have probably watched more TV this past weekend and the beginning of this week than I have since I have been here. Not tonight though...as soon as Colin goes to bed I am forcing myself to lay down as well.
Above are Colin's 1 year pictures. I only bought one picture of each pose as just that cost me $52. As a girl who is accustomed to Sears $6.99 deal, I cannot fathom spending the $300 dollars for the whole package. So, as that stands, let me know what sizes you want because I figure this is why I bought a printer with a scanner. Mom, I know his mouth is open in these pictures as well, but I figure maybe that adds to his cuteness.
Matt has a four day weekend coming up...we can't wait. We don't have any special plans, but it will be nice after this week of 12 hour shifts for him. Matt also got his grade in Biology, which he got a pretty strong A in. He is very happy.
I kept my neighbor's daughter today and yesterday as my first official client for the daycare. It was very time consuming trying to keep everything picked up and exactly as it needs to be. It only made it harder that we had to be very quiet so as not to wake Matt up and it was raining outside. However, on the bright side, since Matt has a four day weekend today is like Wednesday instead of Tuesday!
Colin must be getting more teeth because he bites me every chance he gets. He especially likes to bite my leg right where it is at the level of his mouth when he is standing. I have several little bite marks all around right below my knee.
Well, I hope this finds everyone well. I miss all of you. Send an email and let me know how you are doing.
Love you all....