Hello to all who read this. I apologize for the lapses in updates. Things have been very busy here getting ready for the school year to start on top of everything else. Even though as of right now we don't have any kids starting school, I swear it is just the time of year and the busyness of everyone else that makes it busy for us.
Matt is taking part in another exercise. Just in case you don't know this is when he works 12 hour shifts, runs around in chem-gear, and pretends he is in the middle of a war. It means incredibly hot, irritating, and long days for him. He has also started taking his governmetn class which he says is okay. It is nice that the terms are only eight weeks here. It kind of lets you get done with a class before you get too sick of it. Matt is already in bed tonight, so hopefully he will feel a little more rested tomorrow.
We had an addition to our family over the weekend. We adopted a kitten. She is very cute and the kids love her. As much as we want to be dog people, we always end up with cats and that suits us just fine. Colin has never laughed so much all at one time. He just follows the cat around laughing all the way. We named her Bella, which means beautiful in Latin.
Ryan just finished up soccer and I am going to try and put up a couple of pictures of him in his soccer uniform. He is addicted to the playstation now and is alarmingly good at it for a four year old. we have had to set a limit on it now, as he was choosing that over anything else including playing outside and even going to the pool! We find out this week if he gets into the Pre-K thing. He has had trouble adjusting to having lots of kids here for the daycare and seems to be rebelling even more lately.
Colin has officially said two words. He said Mama twice the other night and then the day after we got the cat he said Kitty in the form of "Titty" two times as well. I know that is what he said because he pointed right at her and said "Titty!" It was very cute. He has also gone back to sleeping through the night and getting up at about 5:30am. I feel a little more rested this way though, so it is better. Colin has added a high pitched scream to the list of things he does now. He is definately deciding what he wants and uses that scream to let us know!
I have finally finished that baby sweater that I started forever ago. I will put up some pictures of it. It is a size 6-9 months but I needed a model so I used Colin. I just have to finish sewing in the loose strings. I am also working on getting my financial aid paperwork into the school so that I might be able to qualify for that this term. We shall see. I need to get my butt in gear though if I want it to go through in time. I have been busy with the daycare again. Everytime I think "Gosh, I don't have any kids lined up." I start getting a million calls. It is good though as I wanted to get some things paid off before Christmas.
Okay, I think that I have updated on everything and everyone. Thank you to all of you who continue to read this and thatnk you to all of you who I have recently been getting a couple of emails from....Allison, Nikki...I appreciate it. We love you all and miss everyone. I will try to upadate next weekend again.
Murhl, the picture of Colin on the phone is when he was talking to you the other night. Sorry it took me so long to get it up there.