Matt is home from his 2 1/2 months in Texas. He has leave these first two weeks so we have been doing a lot together as a family. One of the pictures above is of a robot that Ryan made and that Matt helped him finsh. His name is Robo.
Ryan finished swim lessons this summer and moved up from level 2 to level 3. He also passed his swim test (a test they make the kids take before they can go in the deep end at the pool here). He was the youngest kid on the list and we were very proud of him. Ryan choose not to participate in soccer this year so I put him in a tennis camp that is everyday for two weeks. He is still driving us crazy and we are really counting down the days until school starts.
Colin has had little bit of trouble adjusting to Matt being home, but he is getting better. He loves riding his tricycle right now even though he doesn't use the peddles. He wants to do whatever Ryan is doing most of the time and has really increased his vocabulary as well as his physical abilities. He is a dare devil at the pool and wants to "swim" on his own. He is doing pretty well, but it is scary.
Matt has been spending time with us and with his friends. He hurt his ankle pretty bad playing basketball and has been on crutches for a few days now. We had to postpone our trip to go camping at the beach, but we are hoping he will be well enough to go towards the end of the week. He has moved to a new shop now and will start there on the 7th. He is not excited about it, but it will be good experience.
I am enjoying having Matt home to help with the kids again and I am reallly looking forward to going back to work at the hospital. I can't wait fo school to start so that we can get back into a normal routine.
Well, I hope everyone is well and that people are actually still reading this thing! We love you all.