I can't believe it is almost the end of January. We have been stuck in the house for the house for a few days due to ice and some snow. It has been a good opportunity to update the this and catch up on some housework, but now I am about ready to get out. I wanted to update with some of the stuff the kids have been up to.
Ryan had a pinewood derby car race for boy scouts the other weekend. He basically had to take a block of wood,
pick a design, have it cut out, sand it, paint it, and then put wheels on it. Then they race them down a track designed for the cars. Ryan won first place in his den (a group of about 10 boys) and then 4th place out of the pack which is about 5 dens put together. He pouted about winning 4th but was over it by the time we got home.
Colin had 100 day at school to celebrate the 100th day of school. He had to count out 100 items to take into the class to mix together for a snack so he took 100 M&Ms. I was surprised how few M&Ms make up 100. He also made a shirt with 100 things on it to wear to school. He had a lot of fun helping me make the shirt and said the next morning that he looked "great". The picture is of him wearing his shirt while playing army. Hope you all enjoy the pictures!