Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Vacation !

Well, it is Wednesday night and we are trying to get ready for our big trip east. We are all very excited. Ryan has been throwing random things in the suitcase whenever he gets the chance trying to "pack for Grandma and Grandpa's" Little does he know that he is about to spend more than 24 hours in a car. Ahhh.... the fun and excitement to come! Matt took a clep test about a month ago trying to clep the last two classes he needs for his CCAF (Community College of the Air Force) degree. He got the results for one of them back today and he passed. He is pretty sure he passed the other one since he passed this one. As long as he passes both he will recieve his Associate degree about a month after he gets to Kadena.

Anyway, I had better get busy packing!

We can't wait!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2004

The time is flying by

Sorry it has been so long everyone! I can't believe it has been more than two weeks since I have written anything. Bad! Bad! Lets see what has happened....

Ryan, the dare devil, fell and broke his arm. I know what you are thinking, "no wonder as wild as that kid is!" However, he actually fell and broke it while taking a simple step. The doctor said it is a buckle fracture and that it is common. He was going to get full cast on to replace his partial, but it needs to come off around New Years and as most of you know we will not be here. So, they left the partial on and we have to go back in on the 16th so they can take some more pictures and see how it is doing. I am keeping my fingers crossed that they say it looks good and let us take the cast off.

We ended up putting some decorations up after all. We decided to go with a short and stumpy tree since it was the cheapest. Ryan had a blast decorating it, and spent most of the night sitting in front of it and asking when Santa was coming.

This week is the boys last week of school as well as mine. One of my classes ended today, but I still have two finals left to go. Ryan has been taking a sort of dance class at school and they are going to have a christmas show on the 17th, but unfortunately he will not be there.

Colin can now push himself up from his stomach to sitting. I haven't seen him do it yet, but his teachers and Matt have gotten to see it. I took Colin to the dentist because his front two teeth are discolored and he said that the enamal has not formed all the way there, so we will need to keep an eye out for cavities in those spots.

Matt and I are still waiting for orders. We are hoping to get them on Monday or Tuesday of next week. We really need to get them before we leave so we know what is going on and what kinds of plans we need to make.

Well, I will be sending out Christmas cards soon so I probably won't update for awhile. I hope everyone is doing well and we can't wait to see everyone when we come home.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Sleepy Sunday

It is about 5:30 here and Matt and Colin are fast asleep, Ryan is watching a movie, and I just finished raking leaves. Let me start by explaining the pictures above. The first is of Ryan while we were baking a pumpkin roll. I told him that I had to measure the pumpkin stuff and he said I'll do it and went and got the tape measure. The second is just of Colin and I, since Colin was watching us bake. The next to are what my living room currently looks like.

I was supposed to study today, but I didn't get a whole lot done as it is very hard to make myself study for a class that won't really count for anything. Anyway, I did get a little bit done. I have two tests this week, but I do not go to the hospital since we havea short week.  We are going over to a friend's house for Thanksgiving dinner this year. I am going to make half the food and Kim will make the other half. This way I don't have to worry about having people over when we are trying to get things ready to move. What really stinks is that we probably will not be putting up Christmas decorations this year since we will need to pack that stuff to go to Japan. For those of you who have ever seen me in the time from October to December you know this will be very hard for me! So, for all of you up there in Virginia(Mom), we are looking for TREES and LIGHTS. (hint hint)

Well Ryan is starting to get embarassed about stuff now. He gets worried that people might see him naked or that people might think he looks "silly". When the neighbor girl came out earlier (she is 14) he ran inside because he didn't want her to see him with a hat on because he didn't look "very pretty" I let him take it off for a quick minute so that he could run out in the yard, run up to the fence and say hi, and then run back in.

Colin has gotten up on his knees three times now just to rock back and forth real fast, but he hasn't moved anywhere yet. We have figured out that he doesn't really like to smile at strangers. People come up and talk to him and he just gives them a long hard stare and won't even begin to crack a smile. It is funny to see how different he is from Ryan, who would smile at anyone who even glanced his way.

Well, I better go. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. We can't wait to see you all over there in Virginia and Maryland. We love you.


Thursday, November 11, 2004

Winter Must Be Here

Well, it's officially COLD here. It was only a high of 43 today and this morning when I left it was 31 with horrible wind. The wind of coarse is no big surprise since it doesn't matter what season it is here, it is always windy!

Matt and I have once again been struggling with the idea of me quitting school and going to Japan. We tried to swap the orders with someone who really wanted to go, but that got denied only a few hours later. It is so depressing to think that it is going to take me 10 or more years to finish a four year degree. With all this time and money lost, I should be a doctor by the time I get done. It just doesn't make sense to start a degree when you are 20 and not finish until you are older than 30. We have been entertaining the idea of me going to live in Viginia and going to school there. It seems nice to talk about, but I am not sure how well that would all work out.

Colin and Ryan are good. Ryan has three little girls in the 4 year old room that like to send him little love letters. He barely knows their names, but he is always ready to show off the stack of papers he brings home from them and will readily tell you that he has three girl friends. Luckily he doesn't really know what that is, and considers them that simply because they are girls. Colin is doing great at sitting up, but is in no hurry to crawl. Ryan was already long gone by this time, but we are in no hurry since the house is not child proof yet. Colin now has four teeth, two on top and two on the bottom. He is not eating any cheerios or anything yet though. The doctor told me to try them out, but Colin chokes on even the smallest piece of anything.

Well, I hope you are all doing well. Hope to hear from you soon.

Terru it was good to hear from you, give me a call.

Thursday, November 4, 2004

Sick Days Over Here

Hello everyone! Sorry there hasn't been anything added lately. I had strep throat all last week and I have spent most of this week trying to catch up from last week. Then today I got some kind of quickie stomach virus. The kids have also had non-stop coughs.

Ryan had a blast this Halloween. He was Thomas the Train and Colin was a pumpkin. I took Ryan around the neighborhood to gather some candy. He was actually a very good listener not running, staying on the sidewalk, saying thank you. It was fun for the both of us. It was actually a pretty good night for it too as it wasn't very cold. Matt dressed up this year too, as a convict.

I started going to the hospital today (and actually had my own patient), which was a new experience to say the least. My patient today was very nice and really wanted to get well, which makes all the difference. Unfortunately, I got sick at the hospital and had to leave a little early.

Well, I hope everyone is well. ER is on so I gotta go.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Pres. Bush

As some of you know, matt and I went and saw President Bush speak today. It was very crowded, they said about 10,000 people. We had floor tickets and so we were about 50ft from the stage, but it was a little hard to see since everyone was standing. We found out after the fact, that our tickets were even more special, as we could have gone inside a roped area that was right next to the stage. Unfortunately, the sign telling us that was in front of several hundred people. Oh well. It was a very long wait, but still well worth it as we can now say that we saw the President of the United States in person. Yes Mom, I know he is just a person like everyone else, but I was honored to have experienced it first hand! We also got to see Rudy Guiliani ( I don't know if I spelled that right) speak. He only did short introduction, but I was excited to hear him speak as well. Anyway, the pictures I got are above and if you haven't looked at our family pictures please do so on the entry below this one.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Family Pictures

I just wanted to let everyone know that we got our family picture in. You can look at them above. We ordered some of all four poses, so just let me know what sizes you all want of whichever pose. Or if you have a good photo printer and would like to print some out, I can email them to you. If you don't care what pose or what size you will be getting wallet sizes of some in your Christmas card.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

More News

Hello Everyone!

It is cold and rainy here today, how depressing. The kids and I are at home preparing to have peanut butter and jelly for dinner. Yes, I know, nutrition is my middle name! Anyway, I took Ryan to the pumpkin patch on Sunday.  We had a good time, but he was very tired by the end of the day. Matt has a math test tonight and he also had to work late.  Someone important is coming to the base so he had to work late trying to get the phones ready for them. I know his job is stressful at times, but today was a bad one.

I went to the hospital today for school, we just had orientation, but it was fun to see where we will be getting some actual experience with patient care. The floor that we are going to is a cardiac floor. My only fear is that I will make a mistake on something major...Aren't you glad I'm not YOUR nurse! Just kidding, I'm sure it will go fine.

Ryan is pretending to fall and Colin is laughing so hard at him he is practically choking. It is great the way they have been interacting and playing together already. I'm sure it won't be such a peaceful scene once Colin starts to crawl though and can take away Ryan's stuff. Bring on the black eyes!

Well, hope everyone is good. Love you all.

Saturday, October 16, 2004


Hey everyone! I thought I might try something new, an online journal.  I was hoping that this way I would be able to add entries about any news we might have and then you all could check it whenever you wanted.  Let me know if you like this or just regular emails better and I will do it whichever way.

Colin turned 6 months old yesterday and he has is first real illness.  He has a cough, fever, and runny nose. On a good note, in the past month Colin has gotten his two bottom teeth in, and boy are those things sharp! We also started Colin on solid foods.  He wasn't too fond of the cereal, but now that we started adding fruit he eats it up.  Colin also started to sit up a couple of weeks ago, but he flops over a lot still. Colin started daycare the first week of October and he seems to like it pretty well.  I think he cries the least of all the babies in there.

Ryan is still going to daycare, but he likes it more all the time. He can't stop talking about his friends Leo and Carter.  He just finished up his fall soccer season and got another trophy.  I think he will miss soccer when we go to Japan, and I know he will miss Coach Carol.  He has settled in so well here I hate to take him out of everything, but I guess I better get used to it if we decide to stay in the military.

Matt and I are busy as usual and spend many a day trading off kids.  Matt is doing good in his math class and gets better at his speeches for speech class all the time.  My Dad has been here this past week, which has been nice for Matt and I.  We have gotten plenty of visiting in, since we won't get a chance to go down to Florida before we leave. We have also been busy, Matt more than me, getting some of our outprocessing stuff done.

Well I hope everyone is doing well. Let me know how you like this journal thing.