Sunday, November 21, 2004

Sleepy Sunday

It is about 5:30 here and Matt and Colin are fast asleep, Ryan is watching a movie, and I just finished raking leaves. Let me start by explaining the pictures above. The first is of Ryan while we were baking a pumpkin roll. I told him that I had to measure the pumpkin stuff and he said I'll do it and went and got the tape measure. The second is just of Colin and I, since Colin was watching us bake. The next to are what my living room currently looks like.

I was supposed to study today, but I didn't get a whole lot done as it is very hard to make myself study for a class that won't really count for anything. Anyway, I did get a little bit done. I have two tests this week, but I do not go to the hospital since we havea short week.  We are going over to a friend's house for Thanksgiving dinner this year. I am going to make half the food and Kim will make the other half. This way I don't have to worry about having people over when we are trying to get things ready to move. What really stinks is that we probably will not be putting up Christmas decorations this year since we will need to pack that stuff to go to Japan. For those of you who have ever seen me in the time from October to December you know this will be very hard for me! So, for all of you up there in Virginia(Mom), we are looking for TREES and LIGHTS. (hint hint)

Well Ryan is starting to get embarassed about stuff now. He gets worried that people might see him naked or that people might think he looks "silly". When the neighbor girl came out earlier (she is 14) he ran inside because he didn't want her to see him with a hat on because he didn't look "very pretty" I let him take it off for a quick minute so that he could run out in the yard, run up to the fence and say hi, and then run back in.

Colin has gotten up on his knees three times now just to rock back and forth real fast, but he hasn't moved anywhere yet. We have figured out that he doesn't really like to smile at strangers. People come up and talk to him and he just gives them a long hard stare and won't even begin to crack a smile. It is funny to see how different he is from Ryan, who would smile at anyone who even glanced his way.

Well, I better go. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. We can't wait to see you all over there in Virginia and Maryland. We love you.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the pictures and the narration.  Ryan is a smart kid, at least he knows the tape is for measuring, and he's cute no matter what he does or does not have on.  I know this has been hard for you all, and we will all try to make Christmas very special, with lots of lights, family and cheer.  I know it's not the same, but we will all be together.  
We are cooking a turkey and all the fixins for Thanksgiving, and will be spending the day with family that lives around here.  I think Brian, Jean and the kids will be here Friday night.  I am looking forward to spending time with them.  
I will probably start decorating for Christmas on Friday, if I'm not too exhausted.  I am anxious to get started, and to having all you kids here for the Holidays.  
I better go, sending lots of Grandma Huggs to Ryan and Colin.  

Love to all.

Grandma Murhl