Friday, March 18, 2005

Nothing Much

Well, It is finally the weekend. I went to the Chibana flea market today. It is where the peole on base set up booths and the Japanese come to shop. Never again will I go there to buy anything, because everything was really over priced. No wonder everyone says they make so much money there.

Thursday Ryan got his stitches out and he did okay with that. I asked the doctor about the money and he said if I don't see it by Monday to bring him in for an x-ray. Yeah, I love spending hours at the doctor. Ryan has been really acting up lately. We thought it was terrible twos and threes, but now here we go with the fours...

Colin is getting more teeth, and so he is pretty fussy. I am trying to get him to take his milk from a sippy cup and he is not really wanting that.  I'm not sure if I am going to actively pursue the sippy cup thing right now or not. We will see.

Anyway, I better go so that I can get some stuff done around here.

Love you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was good to talk to all of you over the weekend.  Maybe the weather will get better and Ryan can be out more.  He seems to have lots of energy, and being outside may help him burn it off.  I hope he passes the money so that will be the end of that, without anymore doctor's offices for awhile.  
I am going to WVA for Mom's 97th birthday this coming weekend.  I haven't gotten her anything yet, so I have to go shopping before I go.

Color some Easter Eggs, and have an Easter Egg Hunt?

Happy Easter!

Love, Grandma Blessing