Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Vacation !

Well, it is Wednesday night and we are trying to get ready for our big trip east. We are all very excited. Ryan has been throwing random things in the suitcase whenever he gets the chance trying to "pack for Grandma and Grandpa's" Little does he know that he is about to spend more than 24 hours in a car. Ahhh.... the fun and excitement to come! Matt took a clep test about a month ago trying to clep the last two classes he needs for his CCAF (Community College of the Air Force) degree. He got the results for one of them back today and he passed. He is pretty sure he passed the other one since he passed this one. As long as he passes both he will recieve his Associate degree about a month after he gets to Kadena.

Anyway, I had better get busy packing!

We can't wait!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2004

The time is flying by

Sorry it has been so long everyone! I can't believe it has been more than two weeks since I have written anything. Bad! Bad! Lets see what has happened....

Ryan, the dare devil, fell and broke his arm. I know what you are thinking, "no wonder as wild as that kid is!" However, he actually fell and broke it while taking a simple step. The doctor said it is a buckle fracture and that it is common. He was going to get full cast on to replace his partial, but it needs to come off around New Years and as most of you know we will not be here. So, they left the partial on and we have to go back in on the 16th so they can take some more pictures and see how it is doing. I am keeping my fingers crossed that they say it looks good and let us take the cast off.

We ended up putting some decorations up after all. We decided to go with a short and stumpy tree since it was the cheapest. Ryan had a blast decorating it, and spent most of the night sitting in front of it and asking when Santa was coming.

This week is the boys last week of school as well as mine. One of my classes ended today, but I still have two finals left to go. Ryan has been taking a sort of dance class at school and they are going to have a christmas show on the 17th, but unfortunately he will not be there.

Colin can now push himself up from his stomach to sitting. I haven't seen him do it yet, but his teachers and Matt have gotten to see it. I took Colin to the dentist because his front two teeth are discolored and he said that the enamal has not formed all the way there, so we will need to keep an eye out for cavities in those spots.

Matt and I are still waiting for orders. We are hoping to get them on Monday or Tuesday of next week. We really need to get them before we leave so we know what is going on and what kinds of plans we need to make.

Well, I will be sending out Christmas cards soon so I probably won't update for awhile. I hope everyone is doing well and we can't wait to see everyone when we come home.