Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone!  I hope you all had a great day. We sure are missing everyone.

We had a pretty good Easter. Ryan dyed easter eggs on Saturday. and as you can see above, Colin just kind of stood by. Ryan got so excited that he was making the eggs different colors that he said he wanted to eat one. I got him to take one bite but that was it. He said that it was "not really good."  Colin will eat anything though, so he had a few bites.

On Sunday, the boys got their Easter baskets and Ryan got a bike. He needed one because his old bike was accidentally placed in storage. Ryan spent the morning riding his bike and Colin was busy playing with the eggs. We had some neighbors and some friends of Matt's over for dinner. We all had a great time and there was more than enough food.

Matt has been really missing Offutt. You think Nebraska is never a place you would miss, but we sure do. Whenevr you move it takes getting used to though and we have only been here for two months.

Colin has started shaking his head no. It is very cute right now, so I just enjoy it as I know that soon it will be annoying...

Well, I better go. It is rainy today and so I haven't done much. Love you all!

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Late Night Cleaning Spree

Well, here it is almost 11:00 at night and I am still awake. I always do my best cleaning after everyone is in bed. It makes for a late night for me, but it sure is nice to wake up in the morning and have nothing that really needs to get done. I know, I know, if I would stay on top of things in the first place it wouldn't take me very long, but we all know that is not me!

The beginning of the week kind of flew by for me...Ryan was very good and didn't get any time outs for two days in a row. But as soon as Matt mentioned that we might be turning over a new leaf and I complimented his good behavior, it was all down hill from there.

It is Easter this weekend, and I think we might try to go to church, but we will have to see. The last time we said we were going to go to church, Ryan had to get stitches! I am having Easter dinner over here. The neighbors from across the street as well as a couple of single Airmen from Matt's shop are coming over.

Matt has been very busy at work this week. His crew just got a huge job where they are installing hundreds of phone lines in a building that is currently not being used. It is only him and a few others, so he is busy. He loves it that way though. Who ever would have thought that Matt would be so gung ho about the military!

Colin is starting to stand on his own. He will only do it for Matt though. Whenever I try to get him to stand he turns into rubber legs. He seems to like basketball already, he watches it on TV and he claps and smiles whenever Matt and Ryan play.

Anyway, I hope this finds you all well. I better get the rest of my stuff done so I can get my butt in bed. Love you all...

Friday, March 18, 2005

Nothing Much

Well, It is finally the weekend. I went to the Chibana flea market today. It is where the peole on base set up booths and the Japanese come to shop. Never again will I go there to buy anything, because everything was really over priced. No wonder everyone says they make so much money there.

Thursday Ryan got his stitches out and he did okay with that. I asked the doctor about the money and he said if I don't see it by Monday to bring him in for an x-ray. Yeah, I love spending hours at the doctor. Ryan has been really acting up lately. We thought it was terrible twos and threes, but now here we go with the fours...

Colin is getting more teeth, and so he is pretty fussy. I am trying to get him to take his milk from a sippy cup and he is not really wanting that.  I'm not sure if I am going to actively pursue the sippy cup thing right now or not. We will see.

Anyway, I better go so that I can get some stuff done around here.

Love you all.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Beautiful Day

Wow was today a nice day. Finally, not only is it not raining, but the sun is shining and it is warm! Ryan had gymnastics this morning and he enjoyed that. After lunch we went to Kadena Marina to take a look at the beach. It was so nice that I just let Ryan go ahead and run through the water. He had a blast. Colin spent his time just crawling through the sand and tossing it up in the air. The first time Ryan felt the sand (He had just turned one) He cried and pulled up his feet. Not Colin, he got down and dirty right away. I'm sorry I don't have any pictures. I forgot the camera! (Bad Me) Anyway, we had a great afternoon and we home just in time for Colin's nap.

We love and miss you all!

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Getting Settled

What's that? I'm up for the worst mother of the quarter award? Well, I'm not surprised. All in one day the following has happened. At 7:30am this morning Ryan fell into the coffee table and split open his head. He says that he wasn't jumping on the couch, but Matt and I suspect otherwise. Needless to say we rushed out the door and down to Camp Lester where the emergency room is to get stitches.

During the stitching up process, Ryan had to be wrapped in a sheet and held down be myself and two other people. It was horrible. He screamed and flailed around until exhaustion set in. Anyway, we made it through and went home. For his "bravery" we took Ryan out to lunch. So, did he learn his lesson? Of course not. We hadn't been home for two minutes and we already had to tell him to stop jumping on the furniture.

The afternoon went by with few life altering events. However, as I am making dinner, Ryan comes to tell me that his belly hurts. I ask him why...and he tells me that he put money in his mouth and it went down his throat. Luckily, it doesn't seem to be lodged in his airway. But when I ask him if he can feel it, he points to his throat. (great...emergency room here I come). I decide (along with my neighbor nurse) that he should eat something before I take him in to see if it will go the rest of the way down. Again...does he learn his lesson. No, once it doesn't feel stuck anymore, I ask him if he will ever put money in his mouth again...He says, "Well, it's okay because he can just poop it out!" Maybe he would learn more if I just stayed in bed in the morning. 

It has been a hectic day and neither Matt nor I know what to think of our intelligent child doing very stupid things. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day.

I haope this finds all of you well, and I apologize for all the rambling.