Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone!  I hope you all had a great day. We sure are missing everyone.

We had a pretty good Easter. Ryan dyed easter eggs on Saturday. and as you can see above, Colin just kind of stood by. Ryan got so excited that he was making the eggs different colors that he said he wanted to eat one. I got him to take one bite but that was it. He said that it was "not really good."  Colin will eat anything though, so he had a few bites.

On Sunday, the boys got their Easter baskets and Ryan got a bike. He needed one because his old bike was accidentally placed in storage. Ryan spent the morning riding his bike and Colin was busy playing with the eggs. We had some neighbors and some friends of Matt's over for dinner. We all had a great time and there was more than enough food.

Matt has been really missing Offutt. You think Nebraska is never a place you would miss, but we sure do. Whenevr you move it takes getting used to though and we have only been here for two months.

Colin has started shaking his head no. It is very cute right now, so I just enjoy it as I know that soon it will be annoying...

Well, I better go. It is rainy today and so I haven't done much. Love you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone,
  Sorry I missed your call on Easter Sunday.  I went to Mom's for her 97th birthday.  She is doing real good.   She had lots of visiters, cards and gifts, and we had a real good day.  We made her a cake and died Easter Eggs.  It was rainy and foggy driving both ways, but Saturday was pretty.  We took lots of pictures.  
  I did go to the little church I went to as a child on Easter morning, same building, different denomination, different people, but it still brought back lots of fond memories.  Johnny stayed home with Mom, and finished making dinner, so we could clean up the dishes and get headed home early afternoon.
  I love the pictures you posted.  I am glad you all had a Happy Easter, with new friends.  I sent Colins birthday package, I hope he gets it by his birthday.  The postman said to ask you the exact day you get it, because they have no way of knowing how long it take with military delivery. I put a little something in there for Ryan too.

  Well, I better get to work.  I love you all.  I'll call this weekend.

Mom Blessing