Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Beautiful Day

Wow was today a nice day. Finally, not only is it not raining, but the sun is shining and it is warm! Ryan had gymnastics this morning and he enjoyed that. After lunch we went to Kadena Marina to take a look at the beach. It was so nice that I just let Ryan go ahead and run through the water. He had a blast. Colin spent his time just crawling through the sand and tossing it up in the air. The first time Ryan felt the sand (He had just turned one) He cried and pulled up his feet. Not Colin, he got down and dirty right away. I'm sorry I don't have any pictures. I forgot the camera! (Bad Me) Anyway, we had a great afternoon and we home just in time for Colin's nap.

We love and miss you all!


Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good day. Hopefully the kids will like the beach enough to go there with us in july. Today was busy at work but things went fairly well. I wrote you a long email so won't write much here. Just wanted you to know I was finally able to get to this website. Love Mom

Anonymous said...

Just read your last two entries.  I hope Ryan is ok.  Glad you had a nice day at the beach with the kids.  Been real busy at work, getting home rather late, and will be glad for a weekend.  We love and miss you all.  Is Colin in 18 month clothes?  I'll try to call you this weekend, tell Ryan not to hang up after he's says good-bye.  (lol)

Grandma Murhl