Sunday, March 13, 2005

Getting Settled

What's that? I'm up for the worst mother of the quarter award? Well, I'm not surprised. All in one day the following has happened. At 7:30am this morning Ryan fell into the coffee table and split open his head. He says that he wasn't jumping on the couch, but Matt and I suspect otherwise. Needless to say we rushed out the door and down to Camp Lester where the emergency room is to get stitches.

During the stitching up process, Ryan had to be wrapped in a sheet and held down be myself and two other people. It was horrible. He screamed and flailed around until exhaustion set in. Anyway, we made it through and went home. For his "bravery" we took Ryan out to lunch. So, did he learn his lesson? Of course not. We hadn't been home for two minutes and we already had to tell him to stop jumping on the furniture.

The afternoon went by with few life altering events. However, as I am making dinner, Ryan comes to tell me that his belly hurts. I ask him why...and he tells me that he put money in his mouth and it went down his throat. Luckily, it doesn't seem to be lodged in his airway. But when I ask him if he can feel it, he points to his throat. (great...emergency room here I come). I decide (along with my neighbor nurse) that he should eat something before I take him in to see if it will go the rest of the way down. Again...does he learn his lesson. No, once it doesn't feel stuck anymore, I ask him if he will ever put money in his mouth again...He says, "Well, it's okay because he can just poop it out!" Maybe he would learn more if I just stayed in bed in the morning. 

It has been a hectic day and neither Matt nor I know what to think of our intelligent child doing very stupid things. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day.

I haope this finds all of you well, and I apologize for all the rambling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are having quite the time there in Japan!!  Hope tomorrow goes a little bit smoother for you!  Today was our first day at Mercy hospital on the psych floor- pretty interesting!  We had previously been at the open door mission, so that was cool too.  This semester is way crazier than last.  It's pretty stressful, but at the same time better because we are not dealing with Kassie!  Funny how much of a difference a teacher can make!  Well I better get going have two care plans to do!!  We all miss you and hope you are enjoying yourself!!