Monday, October 25, 2004

Pres. Bush

As some of you know, matt and I went and saw President Bush speak today. It was very crowded, they said about 10,000 people. We had floor tickets and so we were about 50ft from the stage, but it was a little hard to see since everyone was standing. We found out after the fact, that our tickets were even more special, as we could have gone inside a roped area that was right next to the stage. Unfortunately, the sign telling us that was in front of several hundred people. Oh well. It was a very long wait, but still well worth it as we can now say that we saw the President of the United States in person. Yes Mom, I know he is just a person like everyone else, but I was honored to have experienced it first hand! We also got to see Rudy Guiliani ( I don't know if I spelled that right) speak. He only did short introduction, but I was excited to hear him speak as well. Anyway, the pictures I got are above and if you haven't looked at our family pictures please do so on the entry below this one.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Family Pictures

I just wanted to let everyone know that we got our family picture in. You can look at them above. We ordered some of all four poses, so just let me know what sizes you all want of whichever pose. Or if you have a good photo printer and would like to print some out, I can email them to you. If you don't care what pose or what size you will be getting wallet sizes of some in your Christmas card.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

More News

Hello Everyone!

It is cold and rainy here today, how depressing. The kids and I are at home preparing to have peanut butter and jelly for dinner. Yes, I know, nutrition is my middle name! Anyway, I took Ryan to the pumpkin patch on Sunday.  We had a good time, but he was very tired by the end of the day. Matt has a math test tonight and he also had to work late.  Someone important is coming to the base so he had to work late trying to get the phones ready for them. I know his job is stressful at times, but today was a bad one.

I went to the hospital today for school, we just had orientation, but it was fun to see where we will be getting some actual experience with patient care. The floor that we are going to is a cardiac floor. My only fear is that I will make a mistake on something major...Aren't you glad I'm not YOUR nurse! Just kidding, I'm sure it will go fine.

Ryan is pretending to fall and Colin is laughing so hard at him he is practically choking. It is great the way they have been interacting and playing together already. I'm sure it won't be such a peaceful scene once Colin starts to crawl though and can take away Ryan's stuff. Bring on the black eyes!

Well, hope everyone is good. Love you all.

Saturday, October 16, 2004


Hey everyone! I thought I might try something new, an online journal.  I was hoping that this way I would be able to add entries about any news we might have and then you all could check it whenever you wanted.  Let me know if you like this or just regular emails better and I will do it whichever way.

Colin turned 6 months old yesterday and he has is first real illness.  He has a cough, fever, and runny nose. On a good note, in the past month Colin has gotten his two bottom teeth in, and boy are those things sharp! We also started Colin on solid foods.  He wasn't too fond of the cereal, but now that we started adding fruit he eats it up.  Colin also started to sit up a couple of weeks ago, but he flops over a lot still. Colin started daycare the first week of October and he seems to like it pretty well.  I think he cries the least of all the babies in there.

Ryan is still going to daycare, but he likes it more all the time. He can't stop talking about his friends Leo and Carter.  He just finished up his fall soccer season and got another trophy.  I think he will miss soccer when we go to Japan, and I know he will miss Coach Carol.  He has settled in so well here I hate to take him out of everything, but I guess I better get used to it if we decide to stay in the military.

Matt and I are busy as usual and spend many a day trading off kids.  Matt is doing good in his math class and gets better at his speeches for speech class all the time.  My Dad has been here this past week, which has been nice for Matt and I.  We have gotten plenty of visiting in, since we won't get a chance to go down to Florida before we leave. We have also been busy, Matt more than me, getting some of our outprocessing stuff done.

Well I hope everyone is doing well. Let me know how you like this journal thing.