Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Recent Activities

Well, now that the holidays are over and this month is almost over, we are all back in the swing of things. Due to deployments, Matt is now the crew chief of his group and is now slightly busier. I think he enjoys it and even though he is not the higghest ranking left, he got the job because he is the most knowledgeable. Matt has also started back to school this week and is taking two classes. Another history and a philosophy class.

Ryan is back at school and is riding the bus everyday. It is so nice to be able to put him on the bus instead of having to take him and fight the crazy parents in the parking lot. He is getting very excited about turning 5 and says that he wants to have a football party. We went online and picked out the stuff for it the other day.

Colin is doing well, but is getting some more teeth and so he has been waking up in the night again. We went to a birthday party the other day and he all of a sudden started being a bully and pushing all the younger kids down. I guess he was just happy to finally be the bigger one in a group. He also has a new favorite pastime of turning off the television. He is so hard to get mad at though because he is so cute!

We had a couple over for dinner on sunday night that had just moved in. They are our age and are ver nice, but very hard to cook for. They don't eat any pork, any ground meat, they like organic foods, and they try not to eat dairy. I almost said, "Well, maybe you should cook for us!" It turned out okay though. I made something with chicken and they seemed to like it. Matt jocked after they left that maybe they went home and threw it up. I hope not, because I worked hard on the food.

I have been still watching Aidan in the mornings and I have started cleaning my neighbors house every wednesday afternoon. I also called the red cross and I am going to see them on Friday about voluteering at the hospital. I have my CNA from nursing school, so I figure it would be nice to put some of my skills to use. Also this way I can keep my certification up and when I get back to the states I can use it to get a paying job if I want. I am excited, because she told me that I can probably work in whatever section of the hospital that I want. I am going to tell he ER or Labor & Delivery. Idon't think I have ever been so excited to work for free, but it will get me back in the hospital and that is what I want.

Well, I better go. Aidan is crying and I am sure I have other stuff I need to do.

Monday, January 9, 2006

December Pictures

I just thought I would post some pictures from our holiday activities. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, January 3, 2006

Christmas and the New Year

Well, Christmas is over and it is back to the daily grind, or whatever you want to call it. We had a very good holiday season. We went to a friend's house for Christmas Eve and had a wonderful meal and also got to know some knew people. We came home and read the Night Before Christmas and then put out Cookies and Milk for Santa. The kids went to bed pretty quickly and Matt and I had a pretty laid back evening. Matt was the first one up on Christmas morning since he couldn't wait to see if the Cowboys had won or not. Christmas morning flew by as usual and the kids were very happy it had finally come. Colin didn't even want to open his presents after the first one. Everytime we tried to get him to open something he hit it away and went back to playing with his truck. Ryan opened his own presents and then the ones that Colin didn't want to open. We invited our friends and neighbors over for a Christmas brunch and that was really enjoyable as well. The food was great. Our family took a nap in the afternoon and then we went to another friend's house for Christams dinner. Again we stuffed ourselves and the food was great.

Ryan was a real brat on Christmas day and was very unappreciative of his toys and the things people do for him. So we went through his toys the other day and he picked out toys to go to the orphanage in town. Ryan is also still riding his bike with no training wheels and seems to have that skill pretty well down now. Of all the toys he got for Christmas his favorite seems to be his Spiderman games and the Army guys that I got him for a dollar. He also is really enjoying some swimming bath toys that he got. Colin is scared of them though so he has to use them when they are not taking a bath together.

Colin loves one of the trucks that he got and pulls it out everyday to play. He is saying a few more words now like "go" and "help". He is really enjoying having a dog and is even a little protective of her. Whenever we go outside our dog and the neighbors dog play and whenever Colin sees them rolling around and barking he comes over and yells no at the neighbors dog and tries to hit their dog to keep her away from Tasha.

Matt went back to work yesterday after having 11days off. He enjoyed his vacation, but was happy to get back in the swing of things. I started a workout plan with my neighbor on Monday and have been trying to put some efftort into that. Matt and I got a baby sitter on New Year's Eve and went to a party. We had a lot of fun eating, drinking, and dancing. New Year's Day ended up being a really warm day so I took the kids out to the park for several hours and then I took Ryan to the beach for awhile.

Well, I will be posting pictures up here soon, but for now I am just going to post this up. I will try to have the pictures up by the end of the week. Happy New Year everyone!