Saturday, April 23, 2005

Sad Today

I am not really that sad as much as I am just feeling down. I got an email from my friend from nursing school and she gave me her journal address (which I had lost), anyway, it was so nice to hear from her, but sad to hear about nursing school. On her journal I get to hear what my old classmates are up to and what I am missing. I sure wish I was there with them. It is almost like I can feel any knowledge that I had slowly slipping away. When Matt comes home from his biology class asking for help studying things like gametes and genes I have to rack my brain and then sometimes look it up for things that used to be just like second nature to me. As far as anatomy is concerned, I may have totally regressed! I just feel so useless here. Matt wants me to help him with his classes and my brain is filled up with what time the baby needs to take a nap. Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with the kids and being totally involved, I just get a little tired of it I think.

This brings me to my next problem, I have recently been feeling like maybe I want to have another baby. I have been trying to talk Matt into just that, but before I do I need to make sure that it is not my lack of purpose feeling that is pushing me to want more and that I really and truely want one more child.

I guess I will have to think about it awhile longer. I guess I better end this now though as we are all still in our pajamas on this lazy morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen,
   I am so sorry you are sad, but I understand.  You are so wanting to go on with your schooling.  I wish you could at least take one class,  or could maybe volunteer some at a local hospital, just to keep learning and getting experience with patient care.  I love you and I know you have so much to offer.  Be patient and enjoy these few years with the kids, they grow up and are gone so soon.  Thank you for being so supportive to Matthew.  Tell Matt I love the hat, and I would like one of them too.

I miss you all.  Murhl