Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spring Break

We are in the middle of spring break over here and although I have no school and I am only working one day, I have barely sat down! The weather has been wonderful so my long to do list hasn't gotten touched and instead I have been working outside. I have gotten all the leaves cleaned out from around the bushes and dug up dirt from the back of the property to fill in holes that Roxy dug. Also, a friend of mine is retiling our shower for a cheap price so I have been trying not to get in the way of that. The kids have been running around outside and really burning off some energy. So much so, that tonight we had a meltdown here at about 6pm when that usually doesn't happen until 8.

I have no pictures to share because my camera was stolen out of Matt's car when I went to the store a little over a month ago. I miss it so much, but I can's spend the money right now on a new one. My mom will be here in about a week though and I will take some pictures with hers!

Not much else is going on here...we are just busy as usual!


Sarah said...

Sorry to hear about the camera. Sounds like you are enjoying the wonderful weather though. We were almost in the 70's yesterday and it was wonderful.

LaShea said...

Oh man, that stinks about your camera. We are enjoying the weather right now here in Texas before it gets really hot, LOL. Well I hope you enjoyed your time off from school. Take care.